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How to keep your Chakras Shining with Mantra Meditation


It's not what you think. Your Chakras can't really become blocked but there are ways to crank up the light they generate and the energy they supply to the body. The most effective way to generate more light into the chakras is by meditation but surprisingly enough by cultivating the virtues of kindness, harmlessness, compassion and sharing. We all know how challenging this can be on a daily basis, especially when the neighbours dog keeps barking or that guy at work .... but if we keep working at it day by day and keep making the inner calibrations necessary to embody these virtues, we really shine the light, for ourselves, those around us and the Chakras.

That being said there are also practises that support our cultivation of virtues by honing in on the Chakras. Chakra Mantras are a fantastic way to help us connect to the turning energy centres that are the Chakras. If you think about the areas where we find the seven major chakras they keep the energy wheels turning for all our major endocrine glands. We need our glands to produce all the right hormones to keep our bodily functions in balance and harmony but more than that we need them to function optimally so we can regulate our emotions and calm the mind.

The Chakra Mantras can help you with the very biological aspects of the physical body but also to discover the seven rainbow ray aspects of your metaphysical existence. They help us to build the bridge between our lower mind and higher mind, our earthly existence and esoteric existence, as well as the body, the soul and our monadic consciousness.

This all sounds very fancy but the basis remains in doing the practise to experience first hand how we can restore balance and harmony to the body. To make your Chakra Mantra practise a success I recommend consistency but also having a look at nutrition that assist the endocrine glands and getting adequate sleep and nourishing exercise. Also remember if you don't have time to practise you can always work on your Chakras by cultivating those virtues throughout your daily activities.


Find the right seat:

When we engage in any mediation practise it is important to find the right seat, the spine needs to be erect but able to sustain its natural curve. If you are not able to sit on the floor in siddhasana or half lotus, don't be shy, take a good chair. I have had to use a chair for many periods during my life when there was pain and imbalance. The idea here is to not be in pain when you sit. Pain can arise in practise but please don't start of in pain. We need to be comfortable and we need the body to relax. If we cannot relax eventually, meditation will be harder and higher states impossible.

Go inside:

Once you have your seat and you are relaxed, close your eyes, go inside the body by following a few deep breaths inside the body. I take my time to relax with the breath as this sets me up for a deeper practise.


Then you can start to recite the Chakra Mantras with or without a mala. Mala beads are strung together to count 108, you can use these between your thumb and middle finger of your right hand to keep count. They are available in most health shops these days or online.

The Sanskrit alphabet has a range of sounds, if pronounced one after the other they can ignite our biology as well as mental and emotional faculties (for more on this please refer to blog on Sanskrit). The Chakra Mantras are the basic root alphabets of Sanskrit: a, va, ra, ya, ha, aum. These are organised in such a way that their sounds can be associated with the elements; earth, water, fire, air, ether. Also the senses; touch, taste, vision, hearing, voice, consciousness and the glands; testis, ovary, pancreas, thymus, thyroid and pineal gland.

The Sounds to use:

Root Chakra - Om Lam Namah

Sacral Chakra- Om Vam Namah

Solar Plex -Om Ram Namah

Heart Chakra- Om Yam Namah

Throat Chakra -Om Ham Namah

Brow Chakra - Om Sham Namah

Crown Chakra - Aum

Chakra Mantras can be repeated in two ways and repeated 108 times each:

  1. one chakra a day and rotate

  2. all of them in one go, every day.

Remember to follow the sounds and to return to the sounds even though the mind keeps wandering off. Also remember to enjoy the practise!

If you feel you need some guidance, reach out to me or join us for a class. It is also quite enjoyable to practise in a group!



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