This article is by Buddha Maitreya, it is like a poem, if you feel you have any questions on how to practice with the 5 Dhyani Buddhas please feel free to contact me via the contact page on this website. You can also join a class and practise as a group.
"Why do we call on the five Dhyani Buddhas when we meditate?
They emanate the 5 sacred geometric forms, 5 elements, the 5 Buddhist super rays, the 5 qualities of buddha and the 5 Skandhas/aggregates.
5 elemental rays gives us the energy of these 5 buddhas, everything within us is made of these buddhas. They are the sacred geometric forms within us that we are made of.
They represent the States of mind and states of consciousness. The 5 emanations that come from Buddha. Emanations that can be described separately but is not. They are one. These elements came through the mind of Buddha (Buddhaic consciousness/ Christ consciousness)
First there was Amithaba. The centre of every geometric form is a tethrahedron… two together you have a cube… then octahedron… icosahedron is geometric patters of all before. Hidden inside, all part of the elemental part of creation.
How did we get elements? Mandala, mudra, through the science of Buddha, through meditation …dhyana.
Meditation itself comes from the dhyana buddhas…. So we say their names in a specific way and we go into meditation.
They can take away suffering and pain, give us a life , create future in a seriously grounded way. All of these buddhas are transcendental cosmic celestial phenomena.
When we speak of the buddha, dharma and sangha as the three treasures of Buddhism we must include the 5 Dhyana buddhas.
We must raise our consciousness; the Dhyana buddhas into the crown centre.
We try, we have right aspiration, we practise mindfulness, we meditate. We meditate because we care, we want to stop hurting others. We want peace and harmony. We come to see our pitfalls and weaknesses. So we meditate to develop our discernment and discrimination. We can receive ourselves. Pride, hate etc… we shut of with mindfulness. There is no mind. It is lower mind. You are going down.
Use the things that take you down to take you up.
Can’t run from the things in our life but we can use them.
We can develop wisdom instead of being poisoned by lower mind.
Transforming and transfiguring human from inhumane to humane.
To manifest within you all these pathways to enlightenment
You do that in your mind, while you meditate.
Use the Eightfold path of Buddhism.
The 5 rays are the only ones we need to battle, to master.
Power over dimensions of time, space, the 5 Dhyani buddhas…aspects of controlling elemental forces that control time and space… called transcendental.
It can only come through meditation.
By studying we gain Amoghasiddi.
Dark forces won’t keep you from your studies of the light.
It is a protective elemental force.
Vairacona sits in the centre point. It is the point of Love. All others surround it. It creates the first chakra.
The Dhyani buddhas awakens our heart chakra, reestablish our other chakras and puts us in to order. Until we have a settled heart and brow chakras
These super rays are magnificent cosmic forces, we can take for granted and we have to work hard to get them.
The Dhyani buddhas are the healers. Where are you weak, what colour do you need, what healing do you need. Study them, meditate on them.
Singing bowls, dorjes, vajras all represent the 5 dhyani buddhas.
Padmasambhava; Guru Rinpoche is the incarnation of the 5 Dhyani buddhas, he came from the aum of Amithabha
Guru Rinpoche means the Guru of a buddha.
So we can also meditate on Padmasambhava.
Om Ah Hung Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum."
by Buddha Maitreya