“Identity is actually a highly organised, divinely emanated pattern of interrelated rays or frequencies.”
You might have been sitting in a Science class at some point in time and seen the way white light refracts and disperses through a glass Pyramid. It hits the surface of the pyramid at a specific angle and disperses into the seven rainbow colours. This same white light also radiates into you and creates the seven Rays of your being. This light is the light of Love, the Universe, or God, whichever word you are attracted to most at this point on your initiatory path. So, in essence you are rocking the seven rainbow colours in your very own being. How cool!
The Rays radiate into the chakras. We focus a lot on the chakras in some circles. Up to date there has been loads written on the psychological function of the chakras and some of us love getting into that. It is actually the seven Rays that radiate a specific quality within each chakra.
If you have read this far and would like to read more about the Rays, I give the basics here as it is a very vast Science. It also needs some study and practise to allow the Mind to open to the teachings of the Soul.
Basics you need to know on your study of the Rays:
There are seven Rays and each one lights up a specific chakra.
Each Ray has a very specific quality to it.
The Rays can be expressed in a healthy and unhealthy way.
The Rays express each; a specific set of vices and virtues depending on if they are in a healthy or unhealthy state
The vices express the specific Glamours for that ray.
The virtues express the specific Soulful qualities for that Ray.
We can work with our Rays by working with the vices/virtues and the Glamours.
Our Soul incarnates with a specific Ray. The mental body, the emotional and the physical body also has a specific Ray quality.
The Rays can move around depending on the overall physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health of your being. This means that the chakras will be expressing a different quality of a Ray all together, or expressing the negative qualities of the Ray.
A healthy sequence of the Rays is from crown to base in the following order: Ray 1, Ray 5, Ray3, Ray 2, Ray 6, Ray 7 and Ray 4. In an unhealthy state the rays are as follows form crown to base: Ray 1, Ray 4, Ray3, Ray2, Ray 6, Ray 5, Ray 7.
Your relationship with your Soul, the holy trinity of body, Soul and Monad will teach you about the Rays…so, guess what I am going to say, YOU NEED TO MEDITATE and have a daily practise :)
“We have to be receptive to the Soul, we have to learn to calm down.”
Buddha Maitreya the Christ
Ray Science is never ending, I suggest taking in small doses and focusing on the bits where you can practise on expressing the virtues. This is practical and you don’t need to understand everything to just get cracking on… Join a class with me, if you don’t want to do it alone
We want to practise the virtues actively in our daily lives. All so that we can express our Soulful qualities in the world through the Healthy Rays. The vices we carry can become transformed. If you don’t like the words vice and virtue, then have a look at the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Ashtanga Yoga. The Yamas and Niyamas give us the same teaching as vice and virtue. It is two very prominent limbs of the eight limbs of Yoga. They are essential for any of the other practises we commence like Asana, Pranayama or Meditation, to have any effect.
In short, if you do a lot of practise and Meditation but you are an asshole to others and to your environment, your practise will not bring you Bodhicitta, wisdom, spiritual maturity or enlightenment. We practise in the world, with the world but we are not of the world.
Allrighty, so next we have to look at the different qualities of the Rays.
I am going to give some brief notes, if you want to go deeper into this, I suggest getting in touch with the books “Tapestry of the Gods Vol 1 and 2”. Not everything in there is going to help you and a lot of it is from an Astrological perspective. Skip the Astrological interpretations as this is not very accurate. Channeled texts always have their issues, we need to cross verify and you might want to do that or not. Buddha Maitreya also has very deep teaching on the Science of the Rays.
Here follow the basic qualities of the Rays:
RAY I The Ray of Will and Power
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the First Ray
Strength of will
Dynamic power
Power to synthesise
Strong sense of purpose
Power of beneficent destruction
Strong one-pointed focus
Power to preserve values
Power to lead
Power to direct
Power to govern
Power to initiate
Detachment, or the power to detach
Wisdom to establish, uphold or enforce the law
Strength and courage
Power to liberate
Keen understanding of principles and priorities
Truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness
Power to centralise
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the First Ray
Excessive pride
Separateness and isolationism
Anger and violence
Unrelenting ambition
Hardness and cruelty
Control and suppression
RAY II The Ray of Love-Wisdom
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the Second Ray
Loving wisdom
Magnetic, attractive love
Power to understand through love
Empathy, sympathy and compassion
Exquisite sensitivity
Receptivity and impressionability
Love of pure truth
Intuitive love
Clear perception and intelligence
Inclusiveness and aspiration for a completed point of view
Power to teach and illumine
Power to salvage and redeem
Power to heal through love
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the Second Ray
Oversensitivity and vulnerability
Tendency towards an inferiority complex
Over attachment
Overprotectiveness, overguarding
Love of being loved
Non assertiveness
Over absorption in study
Insufficient rapidity of action
Coldness and indifference to others
Contempt for mental limitations in others
RAY III. The Ray of Active Intelligence
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the Third Ray
Capacity for abstract thinking
Capacity to theorise and speculate
Understanding of relativity
Wide views on all abstract questions
Capacity for rigorous analysis and reasoning: an acute and powerful intellect
Great mental fertility and creativity
Ability to modify and qualify for the sake of accuracy in thought
Power to understand and explain complex woven patterns and trends
Great mental activity and agility
Skillful communication; the power to be vocal and render thought into word
Facility with language
Power to recognise and think within the blueprint of the Divine Plan
Power to manipulate
Ability to plan and strategise
Great activity and adaptability
Ability to understand economy and be economical
Facility for understanding and handling money; philanthropy
Executive and business aptitudes
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the Third Ray
Intellectual pride
Excessive criticism
Vague and overly-complex thought and expression of thought
Perplexity and confusion
Excessive thinking without practical action
Inaccuracy in practical detail; carelessness
Manipulative and calculating
Deviousness, deceitfulness, untruth
Chameleon-like over-adaptability
Amoral materialism
Hyperactivity, restlessness, wasted motion and rush
Disorder and chaos
Tendency to be “spread too thin” scatter
Constant preoccupation and ‘busyness’
RAY IV. The Ray of Harmony Through Conflict
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the Fourth Ray
Facility for bringing harmony out of conflict
Capacity to grow spiritually and psychologically through constant struggle and crisis
Capacity to reconcile
Facility for achieving “at-one-ment”
Facility for compromise, mediation and bridging
Capacity for creative living through skill-in-action
Love of beauty and the capacity to create or express it
Refinement of artistic and aesthetic sensibilities
Strong imagination and intuition
Love of colour
Strong sense of drama
Ability to amuse, delight and entertain
Literary abilities via creative imagination
Spontaneity and improvisation
Fighting spirit
Ability to make peace
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the Fourth Ray
Embroiled in constant conflict and turmoil (inner and outer)
Self-absorption in suffering
Lack of confidence and composure
Worry and agitation
Excessive moodiness
Exaggeration: overly dramatic expression
Temperamentalism, impracticality and improvidence
Unstable activity patterns; spasmodic action
Unpredictability and unreliability
Confused combativeness
Ambivalence, indecisiveness and vacillation
Overeagerness for compromise
Moral cowardice
Unregulated passions
Inertia, indolence and procrastination
RAY V. The Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the Fifth Ray
Capacity to think and act scientifically
Keen and focused intellect yielding the power to know
Power to define
Power to create thought forms
Facility for mathematical calculation
Highly developed powers of analysis and discrimination
Detached objectivity
Accuracy and precision in thought and action
Acquisition of knowledge and the mastery of factual detail
Power to discover through investigation and research
Power to verify through experimentation; the discrimination of truth from error
Mechanical ability
Practical inventiveness
Technical expertise
Common sense and the rejection of ‘non-sense’
Lucidity of explanation
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the Fifth Ray
Excessive mentalism
Over-analysis; ultra-rationalism; unrelieved linearizing
Excessive doubt and skepticism; irreverence
Lack of intuitive sensitivity
Excessive objectivity
Rigid and set thought patterns
Narrowness and prejudice
Harsh criticism
Lack of emotional responsiveness and magnetism; social awkwardness
RAY VI. The Ray of Devotion and Abstract Idealism
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the Sixth Ray
Transcendent idealism
Power of abstraction
Intense devotion
Self-sacrificial ardor
Unshakable faith and undimmed optimism
One-pointedness; single-mindedness
Utter loyalty and adherence
Earnestness and sincerity
Profound humility
Receptivity to spiritual guidance
Unflagging persistence
Power to arouse, inspire and persuade
Ability to achieve ecstasy and rapture
Purity, goodness, sainthood
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the Sixth Ray
Rigid idealism
Unreasoning devotion; ill-considered loyalty
Blind faith
Excess; extremism; hyper-intensity; overdoing
Unvarying one-pointedness; ultra-narrow orientation; mania
Fanaticism and militarism
Selfish and jealous love; dependency; over-leaning on others
Unwise susceptibility to guidance
Superstition and gullibility; lack of realism
Self-abasement; masochism; the martyr-complex
Unnatural suppression of the instinctual nature
Idealistic impracticality
RAY VII. The Ray of Order and Ceremonial Magic
Some Strengths Characteristic of Those upon the Seventh Ray
Power to create order
Power to manifest and to work upon the material plane
Power to plan and organise
Ritualism and ceremonialism
Power as a magician
Power to work with the devas and elemental forces
Power to perfect form
Power to manage detail
Keen sense of rhythm and timing
Power to coordinate groups
Power to understand and implement the law
Power to build
Power to renovate and transform
Power to synthesise
Some Weaknesses Characteristic of Those upon the Seventh Ray
Rigid orderliness; formalism; crystallisation
Over concern with rules, regulations and the “dead letter” of the law
Rigid routinisation; subservience to habit
Meaningless ritualism; pompous ceremonialism
Materialism; earth-boundness
Intolerance of individuality; lack of originality
Excessive conformity (or nonconformity); intolerance of anything new (or old)
Excessive perfectionism
Bigotry and sectarianism
Superficial judgment based upon appearances
Perversion of the magical process
Addiction to occult phenomena; spiritualism
“Although all energy is, essentially, but one energy (and all motion, but one motion), there are (for practical purposes) types of energy that can be differentiated from one another by their rates of motion or vibration, i.e., by their frequencies. Thus, despite the underlying, essential identity of all energies, there appear to be limitless kinds or differentiations of energy in the manifested worlds. It is these differentiations of energy which account for the distinct identities of individual entities.” Tapestry of the Gods
If you want to open your mind further….we can also look at the rays throughout history. They also cycle through out the times. Certain periods in history will be influenced by certain Rays. Maybe you can see which rays have influenced certain major periods in history?
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