The Heart Sutra in Sanskrit is The Prajna Paramita Hridaya Sutra. It is among one of the best known of all Buddhist Scripture and most widely recited in Mahayana Buddhism. It has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and English. It is seen as the most succinct presentation of the Dharma ( the law of love).
The Heart Sutra in short, is about transcending our usual ways of thinking and our selfless experience of reality.
There is great benefit in understanding each word of the sutra and the teachings thereof and it will enhance your meditation practise and your experience of life. That being said, chanting a sutra with your whole heart without using our cognitive faculties and really allowing the sound and vibration to fill the body will reveal the sutra in a much wider sense.
The mysteries reveal itself in our ability to surrender into the sound and give our heart to pronouncing the sounds. Our ability to give our whole heart gives us the illuminating chance to access the Soul in a very tangible way. It will take a few rounds (a few thousand) to fully surrender the mind and bring your whole heart to your practise...but, it is possible and most rewarding.
I attach the Sanskrit and English translation below.
There is also an abbreviated form that we will be doing in class:
The Heart Sutra
The Sutra on the Heart of Realising Wisdom Beyond Wisdom
Avalokiteshvara, who helps all to awaken, moves in the deep course of realising wisdom beyond wisdom, sees that all five streams of body, heart, and mind are without boundary, and frees all from anguish.
O Shariputra [who listens to the teachings of the Buddha]. form is not separate from boundlessness: boundlessness is not separate from form.
Form is boundlessness; boundlessness is form.
Feelings, perceptions, inclinations, and discernment arc also like this.
O Shariputra,
boundlessness is the nature of all things.
It neither arises nor perishes, neither stains nor purifies. neither increases nor decreases.Boundlessness is not limited by form, nor by feelings, perceptions, inclinations, or discernment.
It is free of the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind; free of sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and any object of mind; free of sensory realms, including the realm of the mind.
It is free of ignorance and the end of ignorance.
Boundlessness is free of old age and death, and free of the end of old age and death.
It is free of suffering, arising, cessation, and path, and free of wisdom and attainment.
Being free of attainment, those who help all to awaken abide in the realization of wisdom beyond wisdom and live with an unhindered mind.
Without hindrance, the mind has no fear.
Free from confusion, those who lead all to liberation embody profound serenity.
All those in the past, present, and future. who realize wisdom beyond wisdom, manifest unsurpassable and thorough awakening
Know that realizing wisdom beyond wisdom is no other than this wondrous mantra, luminous, unequalled, and supreme.
It relieves all suffering.
It is genuine, not illusory.
So set forth this mantra of realizing wisdom beyond wisdom.
Set forth this mantra that says:
The Heart Sutra in Sanskrit
Prajnaparamita hdaya sutra
om namo bhagavatyai aryaprajnaparamitayai aryavalokitesvaro bodhisattvo
gambhiiram prajnaparamitacaryam caramano vyavalokayati sma pancaskandhas tams ca svabhavasunyan pasyati sma
iha sariputra rupam sunyata sunyataiva rupam rupan na prthak sunyata sunyataya na prthag rupam yad rupam sa sunyata ya sunyata tad rupam evam eva vedanasamjnasamskaravijnanam iha sariputra sarvadharmah sunyatalaksana
anutpanna aniruddha amala avimala anuna aparipurnah
tasmac chariputra sunyatayam na rupam na vedana na samina na samskarah na vijnanam na caksuhsrotraghranajihvakayamanamsi na rupasabdagandha
rasasprastavyadharmah na caksurdhatur yavan na manovijnanadhath navidya
navidyaksayo yavan na jaramaranam na jaramaranaksayo na duhkhasamudayanirodhamarga na jnanam na praptir napraptih
tasmac chariputra apraptivad bodhisattvasya prajnaparamitam asritya viharaty acittavaranah cittavarananastivad atrasto viparyasatikranto
nisthanirvanapraptah tryadhvavyavasthitah sarvabuddhah prajnaparamitam
asrityanuttaram samyaksambodhim abhisambuddhah
tasmaj jnatavyam prajnaparamita mahamantro mahavidyamantro nuttaramantro samasamamantrah sarvaduhkhaprasamanah satyam amithyatvat
prajnaparamitayam ukto mantrah tadyatha
gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha